Care Home & Nursing Home Services

Care Home Equipment Servicing and Maintenance

Midwest Mobility not only sources and supply mobility equipment but also provide a comprehensive range of servicing options to test, inspect, and maintain mobility equipment for care homes, nursing homes, hospices and hospitals.

Like any equipment, mobility equipment tends to wear over time, so servicing helps to maintain equipment and ensure it’s working in safe order. Regular servicing inspections to assess key components, calibration testing and routine maintenance ensure that mobility equipment is fit for purpose and operating at optimum capacity.   

Testing and inspections are generally performed during the initial equipment installation, then periodically throughout the equipment’s lifetime and in the event of any severe circumstances. The extent and frequency of services are largely determined by the type of equipment being inspected.

Examples of the types of equipment we service:

  • Electrical profiling beds
  • Nursing Beds
  • Pressure relief equipment
  • Wheelchairs
  • Ceiling hoists
  • Mobile patient lifting hoists
  • Stand aid hoists
  • Bath hoists and bath lifters
  • Slings and accessories
  • Scales
  • Sulices

If you would like to discuss your servicing needs, please call us today on: 01452 528 561 or  01242 506 240 – email: [email protected]

Care home equipment servicing

Midwest Mobility - heart icon

Serious consequences could arise from poor servicing of equipment so it is important that you choose a servicing and maintenance company that has a thorough understanding of both care and mobility equipment and can offer LOLER testing.  We have over 30 years’ experience working with care homes, nursing homes, hospices, and hospitals. We have built strong relationships with our customers based on outstanding customer service, reliability and integrity and we would like to extend that service to you.

care home equipment servicing and maintenance

Care home equipment servicing and mainteance

Mobility Equipment, Servicing and Repair

Midwest Mobility are expert in the supply, installation, servicing and repair of all types of mobility equipment and disabled living aids.

Disabled Living Aids Gloucestershire - Stairlifts and Lifts icon
Stairlifts & Lifts

When stairs become too difficult to use, a stairlift or lift can help people retain their independence within their home.

Disabled Living Aids Gloucestershire - Rise & Recline Chairs icon
Rise & Recline Chairs

Chairs designed to help people rise out of a chair to a standing position and recline into a chair to elevate legs and support the back.

Disabled Living Aids Gloucestershire -Mobility Moving & Handling Equipment icon
Moving & Handling

Ceiling track hoists, patient lifting aids and standing aids designed to help caring for someone safely, comfortably, and easily without risking injury to the carer.

Disabled Living Aids Gloucestershire -Disabled Bathing and Showering Equipment icon
Bathing & Showering

Shower chairs, cradles and trollies for showering and Bath lifts and bathing cushions are some of the bathing equipment we offer designed to help the experience if washing easier and relaxing.

Disabled Living Aids Gloucestershire - Motorised profiling beds icon
Specialist Beds

Motorised profiling beds provide adjustable comfort for the user while lying in bed, and can also provide assistance of getting in and out of the bed.

Disabled Living Aids Gloucestershire - Toilet aids icon
Toilet Aids

Assisted toileting aids such as, wash and dry toilet units, bidet adaptations, toilet frames and specialist toilet seats facilitate independence and privacy for the user.

Disabled Living Aids Gloucestershire - mobility scooter
Mobility Scooters

From compacted foldable boot scooters, pavement scooters and long-range road legal vehicles we offer a wide range at competitive prices.

Disabled Living Aids Gloucestershire - Wheelchairs and Powerchairs icon

From self-propelled, foldable light weight transit, electric wheelchairs to powerchairs and ramps we have the expertise to advise on the correct models for clients.

 If you would like to discuss your servicing needs please call us today on: 01242 506 240 or email: [email protected]